2000.06.04 i am not an internet junky:

it's been a couple days since my last post, sorry 'bout that. Life has progressed as it always does, and despite what's been going on, I've been pretty much wordless. still am, in fact.

one thing I've realized is that despite the amount of time I spend "online," I am not an internet junky. I don't have to find a new interesting site every day to keep myself happy. I go to the same sites, day after day, check my email like three or four times a day, and that's about the extent of it. this realization has also made me wonder about the point of this weblog thing–to be interesting, I imagined I must throw up some funky, weird links with every post. well, fuck that. I'm not a link collector really, though I've been trying. most of the sites I visit are functional or purely informational sites that either a) most people probably already know about, or b) most people probably wouldn't care about. maybe I'm just lazy.

for the shameless self promotion section of this post, I'll point out that I finally finished the online version of my first poetry book, which you can happily view at coffeemonk.com. enjoy.

don't you hate it when, despite the fact that you've had an enjoyable, relatively uneventful day, you suddenly get totally depressed about something you can' t even pinpoint or put words to? perhaps it's dissatisfaction with my life, my current situation, the fact that I'm still unemployed even though the manager at Kinko's told me she'd call me on Monday (as in, this past Monday). well, moanin and crying isn't going to make it any better. perhaps I'll post something more upbeat tomorrow.
read my poetry. (that was not a request)

- 05:02 am :: permalink
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