2000.08.05 dynamo:

quick update just to point something out and toot my own considerable horn just a bit. I actually finally put a few hours into figuring out javascripts and shit that'll make bipolar a little "friendlier" (for me and brian at least). first change was adding a little thing that'll force you to use frames even if you don't like 'em. bipolar just wouldn't be bipolar without 'em.

second change, and the reason for the "title" of this entry, I finally added (as we promised when we first opened up this little hellhole) javascripts to handle the archives somewhat. basically, from here on out, we don't have to do shit to add new archives, they'll (or they should) just automatically pop up from now until eternity.

now we've just gotta get these little scripties over to brian's side… I think maybe I'll let him figure it out for himself…

in other non-news, I was going to write a nice, long, really depressing entry, but I think I'll save it since I need to get some fucking sleep, I've kind of fucked up on my committment to get to bed before 11PM everynight, and last night MC Seth-yo of wraithsys (our wonderful hosts here) came over and installed Linux on an old 486 PC I'd assumed I'd never use again.

I'll try to post that depressing shit tomorrow.
(something to look foward to…)

- 05:56 am :: permalink
categories ::  Bipolar: News - Computers/Tech - Personal Projects

