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Archive for October, 2000

2000.10.31 talking through cans and wires:

find of the day…while looking at the cover of the first sunspring cd and pining over the beautiful vision of punk girl holiness on the cover, i decided to try to find a webpage to link a sunspring ref to…well i found it. the official slamdek records homepage. my life is now complete. scott ritcher is now allowed to be my friend again.

other than that, shit…it's all downhill…

note to self: is a really bad place to visit right after eating.

there are apparently two versions of the playstation 2 floating around the u.s….looks like there is a difference in the driver versions for the dvd player and the actual "browser" part of the system…

adam is right…ebay is a great place to look for effects pedals…

time to get back to enjoying my day off…

- 10:50 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.30 maybe some mundane monday:

weekend…meet weekday. know thy enemy.

well we went to a party at this warehouse this weekend. i was the only one of our group not in costume (or so it seemed…i was actually in disguise as a well adjusted member of society!). our friend brax was wearing this hilarious pimp suit with a giant afro wig. pretty funny stuff. anyway, we all proceeded to drink way too much and stand around pseudo-socializing as people normally do at parties. fun was had by all.

the playstation2 has yet to suck my brain out. i haven't had time to sit down with it for longer than 20 minutes at a time, so that's probably the reason. we did, however watch disc 2 of fight club on it, and the dvd playback is pretty nice.

if you have any old effects pedals you don't want and/or need, …i'm stockpiling for a future experiment.

hope bob doesn't notice i'm stealing lines out of his songs for update titles…guess i better learn to be more obscure.

i posted the national acrobat show to transmission3000 this weekend. it's a radio broadcast they did out in New Jersey. it's not the best sound quality in the world, but damn it's fuckin' funny. it has to be heard to be believed…

this is why exploding dog is so great.

argh…back to the grind…

- 12:41 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.25 maybe you're the one who's overrated:

well it looks like the server is spending a little downtime. so while it's taking a nap, i'll update bipolar and post it later…

in recent news: bob from hey mercedes has now set up a weblog to chronicle his work rantings, and maybe an occasional hey mercedes newsbit. it's called "are you wearing a wire" and is supposedly named after an as-of-yet unperformed new hey mercedes song.

welcome kerry back, ladies and gentlemen. looks like kerroo is back in business…of a sort.

adam has updated again. like he mentions…twice in a row. seems like he's back on track…

it is now playstation2 day, so you probably won't see me around much for a couple of days…

the national acrobat show over at transmission3000 will have to wait until we get some ftp problems ironed out. looks like a l'il something got goofed and i don't have access to update the site right now. ah well…everything in its right place, eh?

and in closing…the coolest website i've found all week: exploding dog. enjoy.

- 01:58 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.23 killed by an angel:

well…it's a new day, and i'm stuck on a seemingly old obsession. i can't shake the thoughts of the ex-girlfriend that i share my workplace with. maybe i need to drop her a friendly email…

anyway, it looks like is continuing their trend of posting songs from recent radiohead shows. they now have live audio from the show saturday night at the greek in la. and find of all finds, they have the songs from the snl performance in beautiful .mpg movies. crystal clear…

i, myself, am working on getting the national acrobat radio broadcast posted to transmission3000. i should be loaded on the server sometime in the next day or so, so look for it by the middle of the week.

i am now officially poor for the next 2 weeks. i payed off my playstation2 in full on friday, so i'll be out of commision for a few days following this coming thursday. but i don't see it as a loss of money…i just gained a game system and a dvd player.


- 10:53 am - PL ::
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2000.10.20 when you read stars like text:

note to self: i must be more oblique.

- 02:11 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.19 i like apple pie:

just a quick note: there are new radiohead mp3s up from the roseland show last week here. there's only three tracks, but maybe they'll post the rest soon…

- 06:31 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.19 i can't forget:

so anyway…i like my new job quite a bit. it's a cool atmosphere, and the pay is rockin'. i'm still in the getting comfortable stage, though. which is probably made a little more difficult by the fact that one of my ex-girlfriends works here. i'm uncomfortable because she's the only girl to have ever dumped me for another guy. the killer was that he was this idiot, marilyn manson, magic card…dork. obviously this hit me right in the ego. and the whole scene was made uglier (by me, of course) and i flipped out, and i think the phrase "you're a psycho" was involved more than once. but hell…that was over 5 years ago, right? but i keep finding my mind wandering over there to her. she's still pretty attractive, and i wonder what she thinks of the new arrangement of us sharing a workplace.

or maybe i'm just an idiot. wouldn't be the first time…

so i was startled to see that bob from hey mercedes linked up transmission3000 on their site. cool.

there's a new, lengthy update over at adam better get on the ball. he's getting as bad as i am.

she kill. i die.

- 02:54 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.16 cheap sex and sad films:

i'm sitting at work, loafing on my lunch break. thought i'd check in with a few handy links…

…like the amazing site for darren aronofsky's new film requiem for a dream. this site is simply astounding. i couldnt believe it when i first laid my eyes on it.

we watched radiohead on snl the other night. pretty damn good performance. they played the national anthem and idioteque. handy, because those are my two favorite songs off of kid a. you can watch it in real video over at lucky.

we recently registered the domain we haven't gotten around to getting it mapped to the server yet, but it should be taken care of within the week.

back. to. work.

- 02:59 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.12 kill him already, kill him:

so i've obviously been listening to too much radiohead lately. four of my last six post have radiohead titles. kinda scary. but when you're the mack daddy of the fuckin' world, what can you do?

i've determined that you all have the attention span of a gnat with a.d.d.

so anyhowways, i'm working on putting some cool stuff together with saulgoodman so viewers of transmission3000 will have access to all kinds of cool goodies. keep you eyes peeled.

and i'm hoping to write a few features for lost at sea in the off time. maybe i'll be able to trick them into giving me a regular column? who knows.

looking forward to the integration of the links to posts that matt is working on. i have no clue why, but i'm looking forward to it.

adam updated it's about god damn time, but it's a lengthy update, and he explains his abscence.

word around the campfire is that sebastian's death wasn't an accident.

- 08:18 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2000.10.11 i'm lost at sea:

so the radiohead show i linked to last night is fucking amazing. if you don't have it yet, you should move on over there and change that.

and through finding that show, i found this site. it looks like a solid site for news and more about everyone's favorite alienated brit-rockers, radiohead.

and if you can't get enough of that brit mayhem, stop over at cha cha cha. the guy seems to be quite a radiohead fan, and hell…he's using blogger.

in the spirit of linkage, for some reason reminds me of louisville legends fuck the android. so far, there's been no flaming bats and smashed tvs, but i'm gonna keep my eye on that guy.

so i'm sitting at work, wasting time and making the big bucks (as opposed to what kinko's was paying me…). i'm still a little stunned that i get paid to sit here and browse the web and occasionally take a tech support call. i guess you can't beat that, huh?

it's been a wild past couple of days, and it looks like it's just gonna get weirder. i'm looking forward to taking my first conference call in relation to transmission3000, soon. i'm trying to hammer out a deal with saulgoodman that'll raise t3k's profile, and offer their customers some cool, free downloads. and hopefully…we might have some things in the works over at lost at sea, as well. keep your eyes peeled.

looks like matt and i are both having retarded girl troubles. i can't get this girl i'm really interested in to call me back. she says she's interested, but…man. what the hell? chicks are totally weird. and just in case you were wondering, yes, matt's current girl situation is a hell of a lot weirder than the scattered glimpses he's giving everyone.

so the point? if you're a cute girl and not crazy…drop us an .

that was probably the lamest comment ever posted to the web, but whatever. it can't hurt.

- 06:54 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


