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Archive for January, 2001

2001.01.31 you're always running:

i'm currently working on a low bandwidth version of the transmission3000 streaming radio. i got a whopping one response about it, and really that one should be disqualified. but regardless, you standard modem people out there should try it out and what you think. feedback will be muchly appreciated. is pretty damn funny. personal favorites include: this one and this one. enjoy.

i'd really like to get a crack at re-designing grant morrison's website. that thing is damn near unreadable at this point…

more tonight…

- 04:08 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.30 goin' off the rails:

it seems like i'm always up way too late. i don't have to work tomorrow, but considering my normal schedule, 3am feels pretty fucking late.

i was sitting around digging through the stats for the site, as i'm prone to do, and i found some pretty funny things in our "search strings" area. once again, we're getting some odd ones popping up. numerous thom yorke references, a search for tumbleweed food (a local tex-mex eatery), and the king of all weird ones: "goin' off the rails on this." i can't remember ever making a reference to crazy train on the site, but there you have it. somehow ozzy fans are finding their way in. i guess that's a plus.

i'm thinking about setting up a lower bandwidth version of the transmission3000 streaming radio. what you think of the idea, so i can see if the interest is even there. i probably wouldn't dip below a 56k stream, just to maintain some sort of audio clarity.

on the subject of transmission3000: i've actually been updating over there semi-regularly. i get pretty down about things sometimes and i kinda just shove it to the back of my mind. but i'm in one of those moods where i try to bring t3k back up to speed, so enjoy it while you can. i know i am…keep your eyes peeled for the long delayed golden set, as well as a fairly recent waxwing set from this past summer. i'll be calling steve this weekend to try to track down the long lost small brown bike set that we recorded the same night as the casket lottery. i tell you what…i get off my ass and encode one show and all of a sudden i'm crazy gung-ho son-of-a-bitch. never fails…

- 02:58 am - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.29 in perfect shape:

i have the most awesome sister in the world. i'm having a bad day today, actually took a half-day off work since i was feeling very ill, and when i get home, i find a package waiting on my doorstep. my sister bought me a little item from my wishlist for no real reason other than she just wanted to. my sis is the best.

oh, and if you didn't follow that link to my sister's blog, follow that one. she's been doing better than me on the updating thing, and she's only been at it a couple weeks. so far, her posts have been insightful and informative about some of her adventures living and working in Paris.

so i ended up taking a half-day, coming home and crashing out from like 1:30pm to 6:48 or something. i woke up sweating like crazy, probably because i'd managed to fall asleep IN my bathrobe under all the covers and blankets, and i actually woke up holding the blankets up to my chin… i do not like being sick. i'm probably going to end up taking tomorrow off as well, if my present condition is any indicator of how i'll be feeling in the morning. besides, i've been wanting to take an extra day off, and now that the new corvus site has finally launched, i can relax a little bit… until we start on phase 2 anyway.

i'm suddenly craving orange juice… but i think i'll just go have a cigarette. gotta treat the body right, ya know.

- 11:21 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Family - Happy/Love - Upset/Dislike - Work


2001.01.28 i'm gonna fade away:

holy shit. i am freakin' tired. i only slept a solid four hours last night, and i'm feelin' it now. you bet your ass i'm going to go to bed nice and early tonight.

we ended up watching hard eight last night. as far as i know, it was p.t. anderson's first film. while i enjoyed it quite a bit, i thought that the plot was rather dry. it seemed more of an actor showcase than an actual film. i know it should be lumped into the "character study" heading, but i would have preferred a little more plot. it was still nice to see how anderson keeps growing as a filmmaker. while boogie nights isn't one of my favorites of all time, i enjoyed it. even if it was way too freakin' long. magnolia seemed more able to support the long running time that anderson is so fond of. and hells yes, i'm looking forward to his coming flick starring adam sandler. this movie has been characterized as "not an adam sandler film, but a p.t. anderson film with adam sandler in it." i hear that he warmed up for the script by writing some skits for saturday night live. sounds like it may have a few good chuckles in there, to say the least.

now i'm gonna huddle down in my chair and try to look like i'm not sleeping…

- 09:42 am - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.28 show me how you do that trick:

it's been a pretty eventful weekend. i ended up taking nba live 2001 back to the software store because it was the single worst game i've ever played on the ps2. hands down. i exchanged it for madden 2001, and i think that was a pretty popular decision around here. too bad ea sports had to let me down so bad on the b-ball, though…

we went out to see shadow of the vampire last night. it was a fucking great movie. even past the amazing willem dafoe and john malkovich performances, eddie izzard was given enough room to really shine. i recommend seeing it if it's playing in your town.

i finally got the june of 44 show encoded for transmission3000. i've had that thing kicking around for over a year now, so it was about time. the show isn't available on the site yet, but you can check it out on the streaming radio. yet another item that comes with my highest recommendation.

we went out to an awesome german restaurant tonight. it was pretty freakin' tasty. we now have a plan to start going out to places we either haven't been to before or don't visit very frequently, probably on a weekly-ish basis.

i'm also glad to hear that brad enjoyed cave-in. i figured they'd be right up his alley.

- 01:55 am - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.25 faces come out of the rain:

the joys of internet tech support (this is all true):

i just sat on the phone with a gentleman who was calling, quite distraught, about the fact that someone had shoved paper of some sort up into the coin return slot on a payphone he happened to be using. out of boredom, i decided to let the poor schlub ramble on. he told me about his predicament of shoving his finger into the coin return, only to shove the paper (and the hostage change) up farther out of reach. he shared with me the fact that he just needs one of those flexible claw things to get the paper out, therefore thwarting the plans of the evil-doer that may have done such a thing. we (the man and i) then both decided that it would be a wise idea to call building maintenance and see if they had such a tool. he said, "i'll do better than call them. i'll go bang on their door!" i told him to bang loudly, because i hear that they like to sleep in there when no one is around. he gave me the number and address for the phone (i wrote the number down: 815-962-9703) so that i can make sure that it gets serviced. after preparing a friend to call the gentleman back immediately, i let him go, making certain that he would beat the hell out of the door of building maintenance. his closing comments: "thank you so much, brian. god bless. you have been such a tremendous help."

see? there *is* a sucker born every minute…

- 06:53 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.25 i can't keep your pace:

i went to go see the national acrobat last night. they played with christiansen and cave-in. the acrobat rocked the house, accordingly. i got to hang out with guy for the evening, so that was a big bonus. he's got school and now he's working, as well, so combine that with my busy work schedule and it seems like we never see each other. brad was there, as well. i didn't get a chance to check his reaction to the acrobat, though. i'm sure he'll post about the "rock show" soon enough.

i talked to a few people who i haven't communicated with for a while last night. i get so locked in to daily life that i hardly even go to shows anymore. they all commented on how rare it is to see me out. i really need to work on that…

it looks like, despite all of our nominating trickery, that bipolar didn't make it onto *any* of the ballots for the bloggies. so i went over there and voted for harrumph. that'll show those bastards.

there have been interesting reports on various news sites about the "demise of sega" and the "demise of the dreamcast." sega of north america tried to spin all of this off as rumor, but sega of japan comes clean. i have to say that this is all very interesting

if anyone knows of any good dvd easter egg sites out there, . the new seven dvd has been out for a while and i still haven't been able to dig anything up on it…

- 10:29 am - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.24 choke away:

i'm sitting at work, listening to my stomach growl, waiting until it's time for me to go to lunch. it always ends up getting into a countdown situation when it's time for lunch or to go home. funny, isn't it?

after converting and uploading like mad last night, i was able to get the transmission3000 radio stream up and running. i've had the account set up with live365 for about 6 months now, but i've just never been able to get around to using it. i haven't uploaded all of the shows yet, but there's a pretty good rotation up there now. the shows that are up there now are the casket lottery, faraquet, burning airlines, blonde redhead, and the not yet posted mt. st. helens set. i haven't posted the information about the stream on transmission3000 proper, yet, so consider yourselves "ahead of the curve."

it seems that microsoft is having some severe server issues today, making all of their assorted sites unvisitable. yes folks, this includes hotmail. sorry about your luck.

- 01:04 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.01.24 a conversation with sis:

(links added by me)

joliciel: Did you try that link that I mentioned on my site?
coffeemonk: the france one?
coffeemonk: the samurai pizza cats one?
joliciel: yeah. That one.
joliciel: did you like it?
coffeemonk: i suppose. never really watched that show, though, when it was on.
joliciel: I know, but it's so kitschy. It reminds me of you.
coffeemonk: i'm kitschy?
coffeemonk: i'm fond of "something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality" ???
coffeemonk: what kind of opinion do you have of me?
joliciel: Hey.
joliciel: I didn't even read that part.
coffeemonk: didn't even read what part?
joliciel: I've just seen bits and pieces of the show at some points and it reminds me of things like:
joliciel: that puppet show thing.
joliciel: And thundercats.
joliciel: "something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality" ???
coffeemonk: (that's a defnition of kitsch from merriam-webster.)
joliciel: OH>
coffeemonk: the puppet show thing is neither low-brow, popular, or poor quality.
joliciel: Well, ok. don't get huffy.
coffeemonk: i'm not. i'm just kind of playing that way.
joliciel: And don't look up the meaning to huffy.
coffeemonk: heh.
joliciel: Anyway, for me kitsch means something that appeals to a sort of quirky taste.
coffeemonk: ah.
joliciel: Maybe leaning back toward an earlier time, like 20 to 30 years ago.
joliciel: It's like avocado colors for the kitchen.
joliciel: and lava lamps
joliciel: and that sock puppet thing.
coffeemonk: oooh. i do like lava lamps.

- 12:07 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Cool Links - Family - Pleased/Like - Pop Culture


2001.01.23 geeked out:

well, not much going on 'round here the past few days. did have a good time dragging paul around for his birthday celebration on Saturday, taking him to the Irish Rover (twice in one week for me, but i'm not complaining in the least), then to a really really crappy movie (antitrust). after the movie we went to one of our local semi-frequent haunts, the mag bar, but unfortunately paul wasn't feeling too well and we decided to call it a night early.

sunday was a pretty low-key day, paul and brax and i went to see traffic, which was (thankfully) a really good movie. didn't do much beyond that, as i said, it was a pretty low-key night.

i am extremely excited though, and i'm on the verge of just completely and totally geeking out, probably tomorrow or thursday. finally, after wanting one for almost 8 years now, i've purchased an Amiga 1200. so, after retiring my old trusty Amiga 500 a couple years ago, and being forced to use substandard, outdated Windows machines since, i'll finally have a useable Amiga computer on my desk. i realize probably no one could give a shit, but hey, for me, it's fucking exciting.

- 08:00 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Amiga - Birthday - Friends - Happy/Love - Movies - Raves


