2001.01.11 in brief:

i wrote a long ass post yesterday, but blogger ate it. i guess they were still working on the new server and i was one of the lucky ones it burped on.

then, i was going to rewrite a brief version of the update today, but (surprise, surprise) i got caught up in doing a temporary redesign (the one between this and the permanent redesign) today while i was busy doing nothing else at work.

so this little post is filler. filler and crap. but now you know that a bipolar redesign is actually in progress, so if it's not up by the end of next week, you can all and give me shit for it.

and tomorrow, i'll try to rewrite yesterday's post. believe me, it's not time sensitive shit i'm talking about here.

g'night all.

- 12:52 am :: permalink
categories ::  Bipolar: News - Calls to Action - Personal Projects - Work

