2001.03.21 don't be my unsung zero:

take action!: after reading the article about weblogs that matt linked to the other day (before blogger jumped on the bandwagon), i noticed that an article written for our fair city's newspaper about websites like bipolar…failed to mention bipolar. how fitting. we're probably one of the first few blogs that have sprung out of this damn burg (no slight to paul), yet we get no respect. well…maybe that'll change. i decided to email the author of said article and berate him for deciding to point his focus on some hoosiers with blogs no one has ever heard of. so keeping with matt's theme of taking action, i urge you all to let your voices be heard. email the author of that article and give him a piece of your mind! tell him how much bipolar has changed your lives! tell him how we're the first stop on your links list (unless you have it in alphabetical order, but we're still damn near the top) every morning. tell him how you laugh when we're happy and cry when we're sad. just don't tell him about all that money we owe you people. god damn.

sleep well, my flock.

- 10:37 pm :: permalink
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