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Archive for March, 2001

2001.03.30 on with the show:

i figured since i sorta posted twice the other day, i could take a day off. right? guess not…

i'm sitting around on a friday night, staring at my computer as it slowly makes me go blind. i guess i'm looking forward to blindness…at least it's a change. my life is seeming pretty stagnant and changeless, lately. i've been ludicrously happy over the past few days…i guess i should try to maintain that, because if i look under the shiny veneer, i'm sure i'll discover that the framework hasn't changed a damn bit. i guess that's just the way things go, huh?

i hung out with guy for a little while last night. we printed out an important document i needed for today, noodled with a guitar riff or two, and sat around and talked about our girl situations. or honestly…our lack of girl situations. guy is currently stressing a girl he likes a lot, but he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. knowing exactly how he feels (reference the entire jessica situation), i told him to just try to be up front about it. myself, i'm currently in a situation where i'm waiting for someone to "think about things." i'm usually extremely negative about situations like this, but i'm trying to maintain some kind of cool. or something. i'm sure i'll live. i always do.

matt and paul are going out of town tomorrow. to celebrate the occasion, i'm going to do some laundry. maybe sit around. maybe i'll even play some playstation.

- 11:30 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.28 get down lover:

an update on the ongoing saga: it appears that the site was barely down for a full day. apparently the webmaster of the site has decided to not take it down. praise be to internet freedom to call your friends gay. [thanks matt]

it was also brought to my attention last night that i am starting to develop what appears to be a "gut". this is quite unsettling, considering i'm quite the skinny guy. i will now endeavor to drink less beer and go skateboarding more often. i must maintain my svelte physique…

- 03:36 pm - PL ::
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2001.03.28 everyone is made for life:

this has to be a new record…this is the third day in a row where i've been in a really good mood. things have been going much better the past few days, and i keep looking over my shoulder waiting for something bad to happen. but i guess looking over my shoulder isn't going to help if someone drops a safe on my head…

for paul: yet more proof that there are cute girls with webpages.

about a week ago i put new speakers in my car. these weren't really "new" speakers…they were just the nice speakers from my old car. they were much better than the ones that were in there, so i decided to finally go ahead and do some installin'. well about 3 or 4 days after i had my new "bumpin' system", one of the speakers developed a nasty rattle. it was seriously driving me apeshit. how can i drive if i can't enjoy music? ride around in silence? i think not… regarless, i ended up getting fed up to the point of heading out to the store and getting yet another set of speakers (my car must be totally fucking confused by this point), and i even got a set for the front of the car. new speakers all around! i sat out back installing speakers for about an hour and a half, and now…now…i have aural happiness. yes indeed.

side note: after taking the old speakers out, i discovered that i blew out the mid-range on one of them. oops. that's where that nasty rattle was coming from…

after posting my link to the other day, i soon found out that the webmaster has taken the site down. that's a shame, because the site has given me hours of worthless enjoyment… a moment of silence, if you please.

thanks to brad, i may be considering a trip to memphis this may. it certainly sounds like a good idea to finally see sonic youth. now i just have to convince matt and paul…

- 09:37 am - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.26 up on the roof:

here i am, in the twilight of my day, trying to figure out what to write in this here space. i haven't really done squat all day, considering i'm at work.

i had lunch with one of my ex-girlfriends today. she happens to work where i work, and we're actually pretty good friends now. we talked about the odds and ends (kinda like we do all day at work, except food was present), with the conversation steering over to my current "relationship". i spilled everything that has been on my mind lately, the good, the bad, and the retarded. it felt good to get it off of my chest, and to tell the truth…i've been more positive about things all day. even prior to the conversation. but whatever…that's beside the point. i don't really know what the point is anymore. thanks a lot.

today's constant source of amusement: i'm not going to explain it to you, but it makes me laugh endlessly…

god damn my life is boring…

- 07:23 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.25 coffee and tv:

i'm sitting at work on a sunny yet cold sunday morning, sipping on my beloved mocha and nursing a nasty cough. i'm feeling a little rough this morning, but i'm sure i'll pull through alright.

i've been having a rash of bad dreams lately. the kind where you wake up and you just swear it was real. this isn't really sitting well with me because i'm already having lots of fears about the things that are coming true in my dreams. last night i woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep for at least an hour. the same thing happened a few days ago. i just wish i could have these dreams on my day off, that way i don't roll into work feeling like i've just been run over by a truck. i'm fairly certain that it's gonna turn out to be a long day.

we owe it all to kerry: matt, paul, and i are hopelessly addicted to bejeweled. to sum it all up, i actually heard paul mutter "can i please have my soul back?"

- 10:47 am - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.22 home is where you die:

i think i may be waffling on whether or not to go see j. mascis tonight at a local bar-type place. a couple of reasons spring to mind…
reason 1: it's j. mascis. not dinosaur jr. i can look forward to hearing songs from the new album, but not classic songs that i'm yearning to hear live. as good as the new album is…i want to hear the old stuff.
reason 2: it costs a whopping $14 at the door. this is, once again, to see j. mascis play what i consider "alright" songs. not exactly worth $14 (actually $28, because i'll have to pay a friend's way in, as well…).
reason 3: it's at phoenix hill tavern, which is one of the lamest redneck, "big bar" type places we have in this city. drive needles into my eyes, please.

in other news, kerry keeps doing little redesign tweaks, now hat her site is back up. it's starting to look like the oldest design i can remember her having, as a matter of fact. we discussed this and she mentioned how much she liked the old design, which i had to agree. so give it a whirl and see what you think.

we finally got confirmation on why kenoki was down, and all i have to say is: someone who is getting laid that much needs to stop complaining. on the flip side, i honestly respect her need to be with someone in their heart, as well as their pants. or something like that.

god that was incredibly lame.

- 06:09 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.21 you can't kill us all:

update: it looks like a certain mr. nord's email address is non-functional. guess that's what he gets for using aol and not knowing jack crap about the real web, let alone weblogs. can you sense my anger? my hostility? can you feel my pain, people? well in lieu of emailing the author, let the editor know how you think we should have at least been mentioned in the article. i'm not asking for a feature here, kids…i'm asking for some fucking respect. is that too much?

that is all.

- 10:49 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.21 don't be my unsung zero:

take action!: after reading the article about weblogs that matt linked to the other day (before blogger jumped on the bandwagon), i noticed that an article written for our fair city's newspaper about websites like bipolar…failed to mention bipolar. how fitting. we're probably one of the first few blogs that have sprung out of this damn burg (no slight to paul), yet we get no respect. well…maybe that'll change. i decided to email the author of said article and berate him for deciding to point his focus on some hoosiers with blogs no one has ever heard of. so keeping with matt's theme of taking action, i urge you all to let your voices be heard. email the author of that article and give him a piece of your mind! tell him how much bipolar has changed your lives! tell him how we're the first stop on your links list (unless you have it in alphabetical order, but we're still damn near the top) every morning. tell him how you laugh when we're happy and cry when we're sad. just don't tell him about all that money we owe you people. god damn.

sleep well, my flock.

- 10:37 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.20 held down with fishing wire and glue:

it's been pointed out to me by a couple of individuals that i haven't posted in a while. well…it's the truth. i've had a lot on my mind, lately, and despite all of that brain activity…nothing really to talk about. or write about. or whatever.

i hung out with scott last night. he was actually online for a bit, looking for some information on his planned purchase of a mac. he decided to message me, and we decided to go out for some grub. i don't get to hang out with scott very often (both of our faults…we're notorious for not calling each other), so we did our standard amount of catch up (which consists of "what's been going on?" and the reply of "not much."). after we ate, we ended up driving around, looking for abandoned warehouse space to go dig around in. the search turned out to be a waste of time, but scott and i got to hang out, so it's all good in the end.

paul came over for some tv watching this evening. i didn't really take part, mostly because of the anti-social mood i've been in all day. nothing to slight the puffin, of course…i just wasn't really in the mood. the reason i don't like television? because i just turned around to discover that someone has come up with the brilliant idea of producing pink carbonated…milk. i'm sorry, but that's just fucking retarded. whatever genius at cornell university that came up with that one should be beaten. a lot.

i spent my day off today doing as little as possible. i changed out the speakers in my car, so the rock factor has definitely been increased. other than that? i did a great big bunch of nothing. i stopped by the record store to pick up the new small brown bike cd, which came out today. it's pretty damn good, if i don't say so myself.

looks like kerry sorted out her problems with tripod and got her site back online. that's a relief for me, because without my semi-regular dose of the kerroo…i just may shrivel up and die. fo' real.

another site that's made it's return recently is good ol' kenoki. she was down out of sheer paranoia, but it looks like her 13 day standoff with fear has finally come to an end. i'm looking forward to the complete explanation…

and now i need to get to bed, so that i can go to work at a job i hate, to buy shit i don't need. good night.

- 10:45 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Old Posts


2001.03.18 take me out tonight:

as paul may have mentioned on his site, our trip to cincinnati was quite enjoyable. it ended up being kinda cold up there, but we toughed it out like real troopers. we got into town fairly early, considering the show wasn't scheduled to begin until 9 pm. we wandered around the area until about 6, when we opted to peep out the venue. when we got there, we found a cozy little coffeehouse with quite a few kids packed in and sipping drinks. we hung out and had some drinks ourselves, and then opted to go get something to eat, since they wouldn't start charging until 7:30. we went and ate what turned out to be some pretty bad italian food and then headed back to the place at around 7:15. when we got there, we were dismayed to discover about a million kids lined up around the block to get into this thing. jess and paul took up our spot at the rear of the line while i proceeded to loo high and low for a certain mr. nanna. we ended up making our contact and everyone got in with a maximum of confusion.

it was nice to see bob, dan, and the gang, and plans were sketched out for a possible throwdown if hey mercedes comes through louisville any time this summer. they played a few new songs, all of which rocked, making me very eager to hear the new album when it gets done.

i also got to finally meet the britt, who lives up there in "the 'nati". she was an extremely cool girl, and it was fun hanging out with her.

and then there was that thing with paul finding the girl of his dreams. but that's his story…wouldn't want to piss off mr. "170lbs. of fuck you" himself…

- 03:21 pm - PL ::
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