2001.06.09 against unbelievable odds:

it's been a really lazy couple of days around here. i'm starting to settle in to the rhythm of living alone in this big space. the girl was in town for a couple of days earlier this week, so i'm still adjusting. at this point, i don't quite know if i should expect her to be laying there next to me or not. having that happen shortly after the transition to single living (note: living with jess isn't really like having a roommate. and if you saw my room…) was nice, to say the least.

and all of this space makes me feel rich, even when i'm broke as hell right now.

we really need to clean out the fridge. there's something alive in there that is starting to let off some horrendously stinky pheromones. it can't be allowed to mate.

yesterday i took the car out and did all that wonderful cheap maintenance that somehow makes you feel like the car is running better than it has in months. you know…changing the air filter, making sure the engine has enough oil and doing that whole tire pressure thing. i was surprised to find all of my tires really low. funny how that happens when you haven't checked them in a year… regardless, the car seems to be performing a bit better now. yee haw. i feel like one of the duke boys.

last night was pretty uneventful. i sat around and read some of a book that was a gift to me from that special someone. let me just go on record as saying that this girl has impeccable taste in literature, even if, for some reason, she thinks i'm a good writer. we can forgive her that one indiscretion, right?

word around the campfire is that i'm gonna be having a letter show up in viewer mail over at as the apple turns. i would like to go on the record as saying that this doesn't have a damn thing to do with me being best friends with the head writer of the show. i'd like to be able to say that, anyway…

molly and i are plotting out a new little publishing venture. right now it's on a very "need to know" basis. expect to hear more about it sometime soon.

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