2001.07.03 are you crazy for me?

today must be my lucky day, i tell ya. i have bought exactly two (2) cokes today. both of them have had winning caps on them. i left work for lunch to go have a phone conversation with that someone special who is spending a week in new york city (that same someone who didn't get her package on time. grrrr…). i ended up having quite the extended lunch, but no one seemed to notice. of course…i'm testing my luck, right now, by hoping that no one in the office is reading this here webpage and doesn't rat me out. now that…that would suck.

we have had some incredibly bad server problems over the past couple of days. loading bipolar has been damn near impossible (unless you got a spare 10 minutes for a webpage to load…i sure don't), and that's when the server hasn't gone down completely.

i would like to take this opportunity to point a finger at our hosting service and ask a question:

are you run by monkeys? just like the us postal service? do you know your ass from a hole in the ground? what kind of webhosting spends at least one day out of every fucking week down?

sick, i tell ya…sick.

when some of the taller, clean-cut guys around here wear white shirts and dark ties…i think the mormons are running around the office. especially when they're standing around in pairs. no slight to guy, of course.

package update:

You entered ET128715552US
Your item was delivered at 11:23 am on July 3 in ATLANTA GA 30309.

they call that express? the fucking thing was supposed to be there sunday. how the hell is it going to get there sunday, if it just got into atlanta on tuesday? i'm going down tomorrow and getting a damn refund. $16, my ass. bob will have his package before this one finally gets to it's destination. and i only paid $3.50 to ship his… sorry sacks of shit.

morals to the stories? don't use $9.95 a month webhosting and don't ever, ever trust the post office to get something there on time.

regardless…i'm still in a great mood. funny how that happens, huh?

- 06:58 pm :: permalink
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