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Archive for April, 2002

2002.04.29 the meaning of life:

er, well, how 'bout an easy way to look up the meaning of "life"? i've been working on a bookmarklet for word lookups (a bit on Friday, and a little more today), and have finally gotten the kinks worked out. since Microsoft refuses to do things according to established standards, i had a bugger of a time getting this thing to work in IE (had it up & running in Mozilla in about 5 minutes). but, it does work in both browsers now–and Netscape 4.75! oh, and if anyone is willing to test this on a Mac, please let me know how it works.

anyway, on to the thingy.


to "install" this, just follow your normal routines for adding a link to your bookmarks/toolbar–either just drag it up there and drop it on your toolbar, or do the right-click "add bookmark" thing.

Now, the beauty of this beast is that you can (on a non-frames-based page–it won't work on bipolar…) use your mouse to select any word (or words) you like, click this bookmark, and voila!–a page pops up with the definition of the selected text.


*update*: of course, silly me did not think to check's site to see if they already had a bookmarklet, so, of course they do. but, on the bright side, mine is much more functional than theirs, so–nyah nyah!

plus, i've gone ahead and incorporated their little "enter a word to lookup" thing into mine, so now, if you don't select any text, you'll get a popup box asking you to input a word (this is great if you need to look up a word from a frames-based page). then, if you still don't enter a word (i.e. you hit "cancel") you won't be directed to the site at all… it'll be as if you never clicked the bookmark in the first place (except that you'll be a few seconds older). if anyone would rather have the option of still getting a window (even if you don't enter a word in the pop-up) let me know and i can fix it to do that as well.

if you grabbed the bookmark between 11:56 and 1:00 PM, be sure to grab it again, so you can enjoy the new functionality.

ok. i've now officially wasted enough time.

- 11:56 am - PL :: 3 Comments
categories ::  Computers/Tech - Cool Links - Personal Projects


2002.04.28 hey, it's a post:

well, with all this excitement here around ye olde bipolar, coupled with Nathan's constant whining about my lack of posts, i guess i better jump on this crazy train or be left forever behind.

of course, the big problem with having a weblog is having a consistent stream of interesting tidbits to post about, but since i don't have that in my life currently, i guess i'll just have to post about some really stupid shit until something better comes along or i get some groundbreaking idea that will shake the foundations of our society.

anyway, so, i've finally started playing the game i bought about a month ago, and i've been enjoying it. yet another game that promises to suck away what little life i currently live. yay!

today i finally started pulling together some packaging ideas for our demo (don't wanna go handing out unprofessional demo CDs, now, do we?), and as soon as i get something finalized i'll probably post some images for you all to see.

and since brian's off in rock-star land, i guess i should mention that i enjoyed the show on Friday, and, like Paul, i was happy for brian that he did well.

oh, and the June 4th show may be on again… right now it's tentative, but we're planning on having a show with us, Old Man (the puffin's band), and Telavet. we'll keep you posted.

that's it. that's all i've got. if i think of anything else, especially anything that might be interesting, i'll be sure to let you know.

- 07:35 pm - PL :: 1 Comment
categories ::  Computers/Tech - Friends - Lucifigous Prick - Music - Personal Projects


2002.04.22 Lucifigous Prick demo tracks:

well, the final tweaks have been made to the demo tracks, so i figured i'd post 'em here first.
we don't have a title for the demo disc, since it's, uh… a demo.

Lucifigous Prick demo mp3 releases
1. Happy Place (mp3, 5.1MB, 5:22)
2. Saturn Turns (mp3, 2.8MB, 2:56) *new*
3. The Wrath of Orson (mp3, 10.8MB, 11:26)

the June 4th show is a no-go as the out of town band made other arrangements before our friend could get back in touch with them. but, there is a July 5th show on the books, and that may be our first show (if we don't get off our asses and set up another one before then.) needless to say, we're all getting psyched up for it.

- 01:00 pm - PL :: 6 Comments
categories ::  Lucifigous Prick - Music


2002.04.17 worth several thousand words:

well, i've had enough "free" time the last couple days to get some of the photos–from the trip brian & i took to Romulus–scanned in and fiddled with, so i figured i'd post 'em here for you guys.

our intrepid romulan commander, brian, with his (self-described) "crazy brian beard."

the only pics i got of the actual show were a few of Hey Mercedes, and unfortunately most of 'em weren't that great… i really need to learn how to use that camera better before i go on trips like this. anyway, on to the photos.

and finally, just for fun, a shot from a recent photo shoot with the Lucifigous Prick mascot–Stupor The Skeleton. this is a rare action photo, capturing his innate vitality and charisma.

- 11:34 am - PL :: 10 Comments
categories ::  Cool Links - Friends - Personal Projects - Travel


2002.04.15 finally, a moment to breathe:

my god. so, my life was completely disrupted for about a week & a half there. this huge project finally got pulled together enough for development to start, and because of the way things had fallen apart during the planning stages, we were left with only 2 weeks to completely build this 90+ page site. needless to say, i spent about a week pulling 10 – 12 hour shifts including one on a Saturday. but we pulled it off. got shit done, so to speak. the bosses better damn well be happy. and it had better not happen again.

so, i've spent this weekend that we're just coming out of basically doing all i could to avoid the computer. and i slept a good amount. amazing not as much as i do on some weekend days but i also didn't drink as much as i do on some weekends, which is a bit strange in and of itself.

around here, it would seem that spring has finally sprung… straight out the door. maybe i'm just not remembering it correctly, but i recall spring being a time of year where everything was pretty well in balance… temperature, humidity, sunlight/moonlight. and it's been pretty decent temperature wise, but it's been raining like a bitch and humid as hell. pretty much the only thing i dislike about Louisville is the damned humidity… i think we've covered this topic before. i don't mind heat, i don't mind cold, but i can't freaking stand humidity.

anyway, the big project is essentially complete now, so i should have my nights back now. hopefully that'll mean that i'll start doing all sorts of neat stuff that i can write about here.
speaking of doing neat stuff, it would appear that, with the limited votes my task-list received (thanks to those that contributed), the next thing i'm going to have to devote time to is the screenplay. also, it would seem that Lucifigous Prick have a semi-official first-show date–June 4th. so, if you listened to the available demo tracks and were even remotely interested, make plans to come see us at the Rud that night. one way or the other, it'll be a night to remember.

- 12:02 am - PL :: 8 Comments
categories ::  Calls to Action - Local/Louisville - Lucifigous Prick - Personal Projects - Work


2002.04.01 round two:

'nother quick update, i'll try to write a post about the weekend a little later today.

Lucifigous Prick pre-demo mp3 releases
2. Happy Place (mp3, 5.1MB, 5:22)
1. The Wrath of Orson (mp3, 10.8MB, 11:26)

comments on these tracks are welcomed. enjoy!

- 10:10 am - PL :: 6 Comments
categories ::  Lucifigous Prick - Music


