2002.06.24 i like the way you lurch:
krazy fest was this weekend. i continued my trend of hanging out and not paying for it, which resulted in actually having to work as stage crew yesterday. it was a long hot day in the sun, to say the least. a few bands i was wanting to see actually played the fest, but for the most part i was just there to hang out with all my friends (both from here and out of town).
friday night was pretty low-key. we left when the fest was over and went out to friday's to drink giant mixed drinks. we heard there was a bunch of party going down at a hotel close to where the fest was being held, so we went down there. there ended up being a bunch of people standing around, drinking in the parking lot, but nothing really exciting. we decided to head over to cahoots and see what was happening over there. we hung out at the bar for a little while, but it just wasn't enough party. i ran into a bunch of friends from the skateshop and they decided we should grab some beer, head back to the hotel, and make a party of our own. that turned out to be a pretty fun idea. there's a big patio on the roof, which is where we set up party shop. we ended up hanging out there until the cops showed up. apparently some girl was raped. i guess even the punk kids can't be trusted to be functional, non-disgusting human beings. after that we just drank at my house.
saturday was pretty much insane. after the fest wrapped for the day, we headed over to the warehouse for some party. the cops showed up when there was only about 20 people there. they actually cuffed elizabeth from the reputation, mainly because she told them she was a lawyer and she knew her rights. she learned an important lesson: rights don't mean anything to the police. the cops ended up leaving without arresting anyone, but a bunch of people had already ditched out on the party. so…we decided to take the party back to the hotel from the night before. we ended up back on the balcony, summoning half the people in the hotel for giant party. john dubbed it the "party patio." kevin and i were randomly walking into kids rooms to use the bathroom. we'd just walk in, tell them we had to take a leak, and continue on our way. this went over surprisingly well. kevin handed me his elliott stage pass and kept telling people i was benny. some kid tried to interview me on camera, so i went with it, proclaiming that kevin was our roadie. kevin then said "i let them pee in my butt." after a little while, the cops ended up coming to bust our little party, so we hid out in some kids room and drank all his beer. after the cops split, we went back outside and decided to make it to cahoots for last call.
yesterday was the last day of the fest, and chris and i just worked stage crew and tried to keep hydrated.
in other news…
my review of the new hot snakes record went up on 75 or less.
i am now completely sober and very sore.