2002.07.09 the king of lethargy:

well now. i am officially back from Vacation (though i never technically went anywhere). sitting here at work, struggling to find things to keep me busy, and since i am currently not being very successful at that endeavor i figured i'd take my lack of success to other ventures–like this weblog.

i hesitate to say that my vacation was "shitty." it really wasn't. but it also wasn't "exciting" either. basically i took a week off from work, sat around the house, stayed up way too late at night (usually 'til dawn) and slept too late in the mornings (usually 'til 3 or 4). i had the grandiose plans for a week of relentless productivity wherin i'd finish several chapters of my novel, whip my 2nd poetry book into a publishable state, make more copies of the LP demos and send them out to all those labels that are just waiting for a band that sounds like us, and probably some other things as well–as i discovered them. what actually happened was that, a few days before i "went" on vacation, a co-worker "let me borrow a copy" of Grand Theft Auto III for the PC. needless to say, despite the fact that i'm not much of a gamer, i quickly became addicted to the game and proceeded to waste almost every second of my vacation playing it. stupid stupid stupid.

now, i did manage to get a few things done despite the new techno-crack. i created and made copies of some handbills for the LP site, took the remaining copies of the show flyer & handbills to different places around town, we had a 4th of July cookout complete with illegal Indiana fireworks and a near disaster that involved a largish bottle rocket (not a tiny firecracker sized bottle rocket) falling over on it's side and shooting directly into the garage where we were all "taking cover." of course, not everyone noticed the fallen rocket, and not everyone got out of the way. it hit my friend directly in the abdomen, caught her shirt on fire (or smolder, really) and singed her "favorite shorts" and her skin in the process. she was alright–no permanent damage done–but she was a little burned, bruised, and understandably shaken.

the band practiced several times over the course of the week, including at the cookout. then finally, Friday rolled around and it was time for the Prick's big 1st show. all i'm going to say right now, is that it went well, and we are grateful to all of our friends that showed up to give us support. i'm going to save the rest of the story for tomorrow. i've really got to find something to do, lest i begin to fear for my continued employment. also, hopefully, in a few days (as i think i've said before) we'll have some pictures from the show that i can hopefully include in a post.

- 03:39 pm :: permalink :: 7 comments
categories ::  Computers/Tech - Lucifigous Prick - Music - Personal Projects - Pleased/Like - Rants - Upset/Dislike - Work - Writing

7 Responses to “the king of lethargy:”

paul said:

ummm… dude… today is tomorrow… and there's no new post.

you lie!!!!

# July 10, 2002,

brian. said:

lying piece of shit…

# July 11, 2002,

Nate said:

Lying piece of cold shit with half-eaten corn stuck in it.

# July 14, 2002,

brian. said:

6 days and still no update that was supposed to happen "tomorrow." what planet do you live on?

# July 15, 2002,

paul said:

he must live a planet with a very slow rotation.

(nerd alert!!!!)

# July 15, 2002,

brian. said:

i was waiting for that answer…

# July 15, 2002,

Nate said:

And what color is the sky on *your* homeworld?

# July 16, 2002,

