last night rocket from the crypt was on craig kilbourne. it was a pretty good performance (as always), but i was a little pissed that they kept showing clips of a three minute song throughout the rest of the show. it's like they were just itching to spoil the surprise of what song they'd play or something. oh well…it's of little consequence.
i went down to nashville with steve to catch cat power last week. as soon as we got into town we started drinking. this only became a problem when i remembered that i had been up since 5:30 that morning and wouldn't be back in bed until around that same time. needless to say, the drive home was hell. cat power, on the other hand, was quite good. chan kicked out the jams in her own special way, only making me fall asleep toward the very end of her set.
halloween is just three days away. we're spending the next couple of nights crammed into the studio, doing rehearsal and such. if you're in louisville, maybe i'll see you at the lava house.
other than that, i'm supposed to take part in some art opening. i was asked to put four pieces in it, but i haven't heard back from the girl in charge. maybe she's flakin' out. it would suck to get these things all prepared and then not have anything to do with them…
work is work and it owns my soul.
so…has everyone seen the new nirvana video? the song is amazing and i can see why there was a big legal battle over who had the rights to what. now that it's all resolved, hopefully we'll be seeing that box set soon. someone made the comment that it was a sad fact that the best new song they'd heard in a long while was from a dead guy/non-existant band. indeed.
i finally picked up a stereo to replace the one that was stolen out of my car a couple of weeks ago. feast your eyes on this bad boy…
other than that? i've been sick for the past week. solid. sore throat, stopped up nose, headaches…the works. it feels like i'm starting to come out of it, so wish me luck.
well…after a few days of trying, i've finally wragled down a good set of speakers for the new computer. i lost the subwoofer to the old set in the car break-in, rendering them completely useless. this sucks, mainly because they were great speakers. i'll miss 'em. i bought a set of altec lansings and the subwoofer didn't have a level control on it. i took them back and settled for a crappy set of creative labs. they sounded like absolute shit, so i took them back two days later and ended up finding a great, cheaper set of altec lansings. third time's the charm, they always say.
i've been sick for the past couple of days. i even missed a half day of work because of it. the fall season is already trying to beat me down. scott spent the last couple of nights coughing on the couch, himself.
still no word back from apple as to when my commercial starts shooting.
other than that, i'm off for the next three days and plan on using the time to get myself back up to top notch on the "feelin' good" scale. it's a solid goal, anyway…
as you can see…the shit is finally working right.
it's been a wild week, to say the least. before i get into all the bad shit, i should probably go ahead and mention that i got new shoes. i'm excited about the shoes because i spent a while trying to get ahold of a particular pair, and i have finally been successful. my new shoes are rockin'. be jealous.
so i'm without a car for the moment. this is because it's in the shop getting the window fixed. this is because a couple of nights ago, some asshole decided it would be a good idea to break into my car and steal my stereo, all my cds, and other assorted junk. to top it all off, he decided to fuck up my air vent, as well. isn't it enough that you busted my window and stole all my shit, violating my little honda right out in front of the girl's house while we slept? you really didn't need to cause the extra damage, dickhead.
has anyone seen my deh-p7400mp? if you do see it, tell it i miss it and want it to come home.
in other "news"…i would be writing this from my "new" computer, if the thing weren't such a piece of shit. i'll have to spend the next couple of days completely reinstalling the os and all my software, i guess. i was even gonna update the webcam (be afraid…very afraid). this is why i decided to send in my own story to the apple switch campaign. maybe they'll use it. seriously…have you ever seen that episode of friends where joey acts like a total stranger's porsche is his own? that's me with scott's imac.
make due. expect a new update as soon as the hunk of shit upstairs is working.