2003.05.22 she'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes:
well, it's been a week since my last post, and wouldn't ya know it, today is bipolar's third birthday!
there's been so much stuff going on since the last post, i'm not even going to try to fit it all into this one, instead, i'm going to attempt to make a real quick skim of the last year (i'm under time constraints right now) and attempt a recap of sorts.
of course, as with years past, i've been in somewhat of a posting slump, so the pickin's are probably kind of slim.
fortunately, after the whole movabletype thing, access to bipolar has increased by leaps and bounds–the archives are all still there, but now we've got category access as well. (and individual entry pages, which you'll get to if you go through the category indexes.)
anyway, without further ado, the year in review (abbreviated version):
1. Lucifigous Prick has our first show.
2. The Puffin returns.
3. My car continues to give me trouble
4. I went to Paris for my sister's wedding.
5. I started dating a wonderful girl though i wasn't prepared yet to talk about it outright (i just mentioned it in the first paragraph).
6. I bought a new car!
7. Found out i'm going to be an uncle.
8. Converted the site to MovableType.
and… there ya have it.
that's the quick and dirty version of the last year of my life. some things i'm sure i probably skipped over (either didn't blog about 'em, or didn't catch them as i skimmed through my old entries) , but i think those are the major events.
of course, the most major event has proven to be #5, and i can safely say that i am one of the happiest men in the world right now. And who said fate was a cruel master?
categories :: | Bipolar: Anniversary - Birthday - Happy/Love - Love Life - Lucifigous Prick - Music - Nostalgia |