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Archive for July, 2003

2003.07.29 dead is dead :

wow. been a little while since i've updated, huh? well…since certain people have decided to poke and prod, i'll spill some more all around uninteresting details of my boring life…

the girlfriend came home for one night on saturday. that was really great, as i've been getting down lately because i don't get to see her enough. we went to the bar to hang out with some friends and it was a damn fine evening. she's coming back on sunday, i think, so i'm looking forward to that, as well.

speaking of people getting back in town, kevin and tall finished up their tour through japan with elliott, so we (being me and billy) ended up meeting up with them at the bar. we originally only went out for one drink, but as it ended up, we were still drinking on my front porch at around 6:30 in the am. tall passed out on the couch. kevin couldn't wake him, so he went home. i think we're supposed to rent a movie tonight, but i haven't heard from anyone yet.

more pictures have been added to the 35mm gallery. more shows have been added to transmission3000. the world continues to revolve around the sun.

i am working on a new project, though. i've started to drag matt into it, but i'm not gonna link it up until we see how it turns out.

time for me to get back to work…

- 11:58 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing


2003.07.15 we'll ride the bullet train to vegas :

i've added a set from drive like jehu to transmission3000 yesterday. it's from '94 and it doesn't sound half bad. thanks to sebastian for donating it.

speaking of donations, transmission3000 is in sad need of funds to upgrade the server and for more bandwidth. if you can donate, please do.

on to the "real world"…last night was a lot of fun. i ended up coming home from work early, only to have steve and billy show up at my house shortly thereafter. we all hung out and drank beer on the front porch for a while before heading down to the bar to close the place. brooksie labelled the night the beginning of his summer, so as you might imagine, everyone got pretty drunk. fun was had, chips and salsa was eaten, and hollow threats to beat up an asshole bartender were made. all in all a good night.

the girlfriend and i slept in today, as this was her last day in town for a while. she'll be back in a couple of weeks, but it always sucks when she leaves. i'm just glad i don't have to come into work until 4 now. it gave us a little longer to hang out, even if we were doing absolutely nothing.

yeah…i'm also in the middle of 8 straight work days. this happened because i switched my schedule up so i could have fridays and saturdays off. i would complain, but…i now have fridays and saturdays off. this will help a lot when august rolls around and i'll end up being out of town or busy every frickin' weekend. hell…at least it'll be something to do.

guess i better get back to doing what they pay me for…

- 08:58 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing - Transmission3000


2003.07.11 until mountains crumble to the sea:

transmission3000 is finally back up. it's been a long, slow crawl back but at least there's a new show up. i launched the hot snakes show the other day, which i was going to do over a week ago before the site went down. either way, the site is back up now, so everyone can go over there and enjoy the music and whatnot.

matt hooked me up with the gallery script he's been using, and i've slowly been going through my various image directories and applying it. you can find the two i've completed here. that's the main gallery index, which you can get to both individual galleries through. that matt is one badass codemonkey.

sorry for the lack of posts, as of late. the girlfriend has been in town, so i've had little time to monkey around on the internet, as you might be able to imagine. we did get out to have some pizza at za's the other night. matt and sara showed up and it was a damn fine evening. we then went out and bought lottery tickets, only to not win. hey…you can't win if you don't buy a ticket.

we've also been spending time out at a variety of drinking establishments, hanging out with the various friends that we don't see often enough. the girlfriend sees them even less often, since she's moved away.

so…yeah. very little internet time. sorry about that.

i haven't finished reading this week's comics, so i haven't had a chance to review them all. expect that over the weekend.

i guess i better get back to work, or something.

- 05:03 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing - Transmission3000


2003.07.05 everyone has got the fear:

yesterday i was all fired up to get mexican for lunch. we left work, went over to where the mexican joint is and…they were closed for the 4th. we were lucky that the chinese buffet didn't share their view of the celebration of our great nation's birfday. they even had a little sign in the window:

"we are open at independents day!"

well thank goodness someone was.

i ended up getting out of work two hours early, last night. it probably has something to do with the fact that as soon as i finish work tonight i'll have two hours of overtime, that's counting my early exit last night.

anyhowways…i left work and went straight down to the pralor show at the newly renovated uncle pleasants. wow. that place used to be a complete shithole and now it's really, really nice inside. we're talking downright swanky. it was a small comfort to know that it was, however, still incredibly hot in there.

after the show it was to the bar to hang out with billy, kevin and danny. i ended up getting drunk and talking about vonnegut and bukowski for a couple of hours. always a good time.

the air conditioner in my room isn't working. my room is on the third floor. do the math. i've been sleeping downstairs on brooksie's couch, while he's in texas.

even though i don't have a chance in hell of winning it, i bought $12 worth of tickets for tonight's $200 million powerball drawing. it's fun to dream. we all know that some toothless redneck somewhere in wisconsin will end up hitting the jackpot and blow all of the money on cigarettes and beer in just under a month and a half.


like i said…it's fun to dream.

- 08:14 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing


2003.07.03 this is how i ended up sucked in:

this week's comics:

100 Bullets #46:
The conclusion of "Chill in the Oven"…fantastic. Risso threw down one of my all time favorite comic panels, in this issue, and Azzarello kept the story running. I love how there always seems to be action running parallel to these big conversation moments between two characters. Advancing two stories at once. Smooth. I'm really looking forward to this team's run on Batman. I think I'm sweating that even more than I was Jim Lee's current run.

Arkham Asylum Living Hell #3:
Ryan Sook continues to impress and amaze. His rooftop shot of the pre-"Sprang Act" Gotham was awesome, as was every other bit of his art in this issue. Evolving from a straight Mignola clone (never bad in my book) to a solid style of his own, he's making it damn hard for me to wait until he takes over Detective Comics as the regular artistwith Ed brubaker writing. And I tell ya…Dan Slott is telling a helluva story for a guy I've never heard of.

Formerly Known As The Justice League #1:
BWA-HA-HA? Maybe…It's getting there. The concept is pretty damn funny, thus far.

Superman Birthright #1:
Superman done right. Period. If you don't already have a copy of this, go get it. Think "Ultimate Superman." Now you can stop wondering "which version of Krypton is canon?" or some other garbage and enjoy the frickin' story. Leinil Yu's art is nothing short of beautiful. McCaig's colors are pretty damn swanky, as well.

Alias #24:
I had a strong feeling that the "villain" or point of this story would be who it is. I'm looking forward to the glimpse into Jessica's past that the next issue may provide.

New X-Men #143:
I bought this book solely for Bachalo's art. Last issue's script was pretty tolerable, as far as Grant Morrison goes, but this one is right back to the "I'm incredibly inconsistent, I ignore proper characterization, and my stories make no sense ON PURPOSE! But it's okay…I'm GRANT MORRISON!" bullshit. I'm waiting for everyone to wake up to see that this particular emperor is butt naked.

Ultimate Spider-Man #43:
I'm already annoyed with Bendis' take on the "X-Women." This is probably one of the weakest issues of Ultimate Spider-Man yet. Still more enjoyable when held up against the other Spider-Man books, but it's not the kind of story I'm terribly interested in, I guess.

Last Of The Independents GN:
Great book. Simply great. I picked it up on a whim, and I'm really glad I did. It's a 70's bank heist movie on paper. In widescreen. Damn straight.

scroll down for my newest post about actual…y'know…stuff.

- 10:25 pm - PL :: 5 Comments
categories ::  Comics


2003.07.03 we don't want the loonies takin' over:

been a long time without an update, so i figured i should post one. the july 4th weekend is imminent, and i'll be working through the whole thing. and it doesn't look like the girlfriend will be coming home, either. sounds like a lot of fun, huh?

transmission3000 has been down all week. it's all stemming from a server upgrade gone horribly, horribly wrong. i'm a little pissed about it, since i was right in the middle of getting the site back up to full speed. there's nothing i can do about it, though, and the best case estimate is that it'll be back up by the end of the week. which would be…uh…tomorrow. i'm not holding my breath.

i will be launching a hot snakes set from 2000 as soon as the server is back online, though.

i've got a few new reviews up over at 75 or less. we've got the new turbonegro, the reissue of uncle tupelo's no depression and the swami records sampler.

i really wish billy's parents would stop breaking their computer so that i could stop having to fix it.

apparently i had a hand in someone at the bar losing their job. she was a horrible waitress and i'm actually kinda glad. she stole money from me, after all. i will not tolerate a thief. i'm not the only reason that she was let go. i wasn't even the straw that broke the camel's back. but i was involved, to an extent.

i fucking hate being at work…

- 10:05 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing - Transmission3000


