2003.07.29 dead is dead :
wow. been a little while since i've updated, huh? well…since certain people have decided to poke and prod, i'll spill some more all around uninteresting details of my boring life…
the girlfriend came home for one night on saturday. that was really great, as i've been getting down lately because i don't get to see her enough. we went to the bar to hang out with some friends and it was a damn fine evening. she's coming back on sunday, i think, so i'm looking forward to that, as well.
speaking of people getting back in town, kevin and tall finished up their tour through japan with elliott, so we (being me and billy) ended up meeting up with them at the bar. we originally only went out for one drink, but as it ended up, we were still drinking on my front porch at around 6:30 in the am. tall passed out on the couch. kevin couldn't wake him, so he went home. i think we're supposed to rent a movie tonight, but i haven't heard from anyone yet.
more pictures have been added to the 35mm gallery. more shows have been added to transmission3000. the world continues to revolve around the sun.
i am working on a new project, though. i've started to drag matt into it, but i'm not gonna link it up until we see how it turns out.
time for me to get back to work…