2003.08.30 i'll just go back to pretending i'm living:
geh. to cover for the ridiculous amounts of time i've needed off work this past month, i've had to trade a bunch of shifts with other people. i'm now paying the ultimate price by sitting here at my desk on a saturday morning. technically it's saturday afternoon, right now, but i wouldn't even be up yet under normal circumstances, so i'll still call it morning.
clyde actually decided to wake me up at 7am, this morning. i was a little pissed off, mainly because i still had two hours left to sleep. i politely told her to go to hell and escorted her back downstairs.
it's also nice and rainy outside, so it feels like time is crawling by.
i guess the good thing is that i'm out of here by 7pm. the fact that 7pm is five and a half hours away is the big problem i have.
i think i'll have myself a nice nap when i get home.
not much else is going on, really. the girlfriend has gone home for the weekend. something about going out of town with her family to visit her sister. hope she's having fun.
paul curry just emailed to let me know that i owe a grand total of $151.50 in fines for my little traffic ticket from a few weeks ago. the reason my case was lost? the cop that wrote the ticket – that didn't need to be there – that i actually never saw that morning (and i was there good and early) somehow took my case jacket out of the docket box and carried it around for 90 minutes, not even trying to locate me. luckily paul was able to locate it and get two charges dismissed, leaving me with the previously mentioned fine.
thanks a million to paul curry. he's a prince amongst men.