2003.09.25 a drink in every hand:

this work week seems to have really flown by. i couldn't be happier about it, either. i was actually thinking of calling in to have a three day weekend, but i opted not to. i'll play that car when the girl gets back into town. i'm really looking forward to just relaxing over the next couple of days, though.

of course…not much relaxing will probably happen, with these retarded painters that are painting our building. these bastards were outside my third floor window at 9am, this morning, hammering on the window frames, drilling at god knows what, and yelling at each other about cigarettes. i was tempted to open the window and shove one of the stupid motherfuckers right off the scaffolding. they also somehow managed to knock out my phone jack at some point, yesterday. i would imagine that it happened sometime around the erection of said scaffolding. i now have to go downstairs to use the phone. delightful. i will be having a conversation with the landlords tomorrow, hoping to get that fixed.

at some point this week, i cooked up a master plan to start going to bed earlier. i realized that there was no real reason for me to be awake until 5:30am every night (morning) and then sleep right up until i have to come into work. in the past week i have accomplished going to bed before that time a grand total of…one time. and i still slept until 1:30pm, so i guess it really doesn't count. damn.

today at work i had to talk to a guy that sounded exactly like ned flanders. it was incredibly hard to not bust out laughing the entire time. poor bastard.

- 09:11 pm :: permalink
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