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Archive for February, 2004

2004.02.22 red war will follow my enemies:

i know, i know…it's been a while. blah blah blah…get off my fuckin' back. i've actually been really busy, lately, so i have something of an excuse.

before i get into all that stuff, i'd like to point out my annoyance with nader entering the presidential race as an independent. don't get me wrong…last time around, this guy woulda had my vote if my voter registration wouldn't have been screwed up. but this time…damn it. he knows he's not going to win. why bother? why waste all that time and money to only muddy up the field and make it easier for bush to waltz right into a second term? i mean…it's a tight race, as it is. i just pray that everyone that talks the talk about kicking bush's ass out of the white house makes the right choice on election day. seriously. do not fuck this up for me. i don't like canada. don't make me have to move there.

okay…now i'll step off the soapbox and get into all the retardedly mundane things that it seems populate this "blog"…

last weekend i went up to columbus to spend valentine's day with the girl. we had some nice plans that we ended up scrapping, mostly due to the fact that we can never do anything as planned. we decided to go out and catch big fish and then go home and make a nice valentin's dinner, saturday night. dinner was delicious, mainly because i had precious little to do with it's preparation.

Sunday we ordered pizza from a place that seems to be everywhere up there, donato's. let me tell you…i will never order another fucking pizza from donato's for the rest of my life. ever. first off, the pizza took a goddamn hour and a half to travel two blocks. two blocks. the place is literally spitting distance from the girl's apartment. an hour and a half. when it finally arrived, it was ice cold. they shouldn't have even bothered cooking it, because all that "work" went completely to waste. so i called up donato's, told them i was a little unhappy with the fact that they just took an hour and a half to deliver me a cold pizza. the manager got on the phone and gave me a halfassed apology, saying "these things happen." he said he would make us a new pizza, which i told him i would come and pick up.

when i got there i asked about a refund, since i just had to pick up a replacement pizza which was originally scheduled to be delivered to me. i informed the manager that this was the first time i had ever ordered from his company and that i was extremely disappointed with what they considered an acceptable level of service. he said that i could not get a refund, since he was making me a new pizza, but he would put a credit on the account for the next time we call in. splendid. now we're trapped into eating their shitty pizza again to make sure we get our money's worth. well, after he handed me the replacement pizza and i was walking out to the car, i was thinking "this is awfully small…" so when i got into the car, i opened the box to make sure it was the right thing.

which it wasn't.


i marched back inside dropped the pizza on the counter and waited for them to make me the right pizza, in the right size. after all this trouble, the pizza ended up being pretty damn terrible. moral of the story? don't eat donato's if they have it in your town.

other than that, i've just been hanging out with billy and the viking. this usually involves lots of beer, pizza and videogames. as always…amazingly exciting.

oh yeah…my review of the probot record is up over at 75 or less. check it out.

- 01:50 pm - PL :: 5 Comments
categories ::  Nothing


2004.02.02 love will get you down:

here it is, the second month of the new year. has anyone spotted any 2004 pennies yet? that's always a good judge of the year being underway, i guess.

punxsutawney phil saw his shadow, which means, if legend proves true, that we're in for more winter. my question is…how the hell can that little guy not be startled? i mean…shit. tons of people swarmed around, tons of lights…there must be shadows everywhere. i think it would be funny if they just started doing the same thing to some guy down the road. every february 2nd, the guy wakes up and groggily goes out to get the paper and then realizes he has a million cameras in his face. he'd freak out, run inside, and we'd be stuck with six more weeks of winter.

louisville is still bathed in ice and slush from last week's little arctic blast. we had ice raining down from the sky last sunday and monday, a slight thaw on tuesday and then snow later in the week. lucky me, i slipped on the ice and fell down the stairs in front of the house. slammed my ass on the pavement hard enough to ring my head and hit the side of my back on the corner of the bottom step. bruised some muscles in my back enough that i had to go to the doctor last thursday. he gave me muscle relaxers. needless to say, my back now feels great.

i spent the weekend hanging out and drinking with joe and billy and practicing with the band. fun times.

i really haven't posted since the girl made her move up to columbus, oh. she's doing some art school up there, and now we're having to deal with having quite a bit of distance between the two of us. it's not something i'm enjoying, but there's not really anything i can do about it, short of moving to columbus, which i'm not going to do. so i'm stuck working my job every day and missing her all the time. sounds fun, doesn't it?

speaking of my job, i found this great little time waster. it helps keep my mind off the fact that i'm actually working. it's no bookworm, but it'll do in a pinch. zuma also looks kinda neat, but i can't get the game to load, here at work. oh well. shit happens.

back to work.

- 12:11 pm - PL :: 3 Comments
categories ::  Nothing


