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Archive for May, 2004

2004.05.09 one day closer to death:

i guess it's that time of month…

the first l&n show went pretty well. we were all pretty nervous, but we somehow managed to keep from screwing the whole set up. thanks to the teeth, the debutantes and old man for playing. it was a great time.

tuesday is my birthday. it'll be the 28th time i've celebrated a birthday. we'll be playing a quick set in our practice space and then it's out for a long night of drinking. i'm sure i'll follow my tradition of drinking so much i forget most (if not all) of what happened. my birthdays tend to be a black hole of memory.

derby was a good weekend, here in louisville. unfortunately there were no tara reid sightings. there was lots of vomiting, though. fortunately not by me. never underestimate the fun of shotgunning sterlings on one of your friend's mother's front porch at 4 in the afternoon. that's a good ol' time.

brooksie and i had an art opening for some of our photography, the other night. it went well, but it's weird standing around hearing people you don't know say weird things about your "art." i'm not insulted by the things they say, nor am i thin skinned. i just find it…odd.

- 05:58 pm - PL :: 1 Comment
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