2004.11.17 you can't fire me because i quit:

whoa. i fell off the posting wagon for a little while there. my apologies. i'm back in the saddle, though…never you fear.

i spent the weekend up in chicago seeing the pixies. man…that was one awesome show. i'm just stoked they played "hey." that was probably the highlight of the show for me. they closed with "vamos," which was chock full of guitar shenanigans.

we're playing a show on saturday. it's our first official all-ages show, so i'm kinda excited, i guess. it'll be interesting to see what the "kids" think of the L&N sound. we may or may not be playing some new material.

next week…thanksgiving. the girl and i are still debating on what we're actually doing. i think we're driving to owensboro, but that changes every other time i talk to her. i figure i'll find out the night before and we'll go from there.

halo 2 is sucking up a lot of my free time. i've almost completely abandoned gta san andreas in favor of sitting on blaine's couch, blastin' fools over the internet. is it odd that i have an xbox live account, yet i have no xbox or even a copy of halo 2?

brian - 06:01 pm :: permalink
categories ::  L&N - Music - Nothing

