2004.12.28 sanitarium, leave me be:
as mentioned yesterday, i spent a good deal of time wandering around glen friedman's site, following links hither and yon. well, while doing that, i ran across info on the west memphis three. here's a post i made about it elsewhere:
So I was wandering about the internet today and ended up doing a great deal of reading about "The West Memphis Three," which is a group of teenagers that were convicted of murder in 1993-94 with little-to-no evidence. The prosecution trotted out the fact that the main suspect had dark hair, liked heavy metal music and was interested in the occult. That's pretty much all they had on the guy.
It's an incredibly interesting (if not tragic) case. It really seems like these guys were completely devoured by the American legal system. I highly recommend you take a look at the site and read through some of the information they have there. Margaret Cho even went out to visit all three of the guys in prison. You can find the story here (with a link to a lengthy post from her blog).
That said, I discovered that the main suspect (who is currently on death row) has an Amazon wish list, which is chock full of comics, including pretty much all of the Hellblazer trades. If you're interested in the case and want to do something, consider sending Damien one of those Hellblazer trades.
You can see the wish lists of the other two here:
I encourage you to take a look at the site and make up your own mind.
my biggest regret is that i didn't find out about this before christmas, so that these guys could get some nice christmas surprises. i guess late christmas gifts are better than nothing.
thanks for paying attention.