as the title may suggest (to those of you in the know) the new radiohead album has completely sucked my brain out. in response to adam over at i like it. probably for all the reasons that most people (although i haven't met a person face-to-face that didn't like it) hate it. it's completely what you didn't expect to hear from radiohead at this point. i'm not gonna sit here and extoll the virtues of ok computer and how it saved music; hell…i'm kinda partial to the bends. but kid a is fucking amazing. hands down. i'm into the bleeps and blips. rock out. idioteque is the coolest song i've heard in the past few weeks. but even adam admits that the new album just may grow on him… and for the people who care, here's a nine part radio one interview with the band.
another new album worth mentioning is the new bluetip. it's great, and the packaging is top notch. once again, jason farrell has outdone himself.
looks like weezer is finally going back into the studio to record a new record. it's about god damn time. sample quote from rivers: "A lot of guys can write songs that have nothing to do with their lives, and they're great, but I don't seem to be able to do that."
i'm excited about next month. it looks like transmission3000 will get to head out to nyc for the cmj fest. i'll be out there recording lots of live sets and passing out tons of flyers. so if you see me, honky, you better holler at me.
wow…23 days. fuck it. i don't care. i'm lazy. and i've been dealing with the death of my good friend sebastian. so on with the show…
i took my little sister to get her first tattoo yesterday. it was an altogether painless experience for the both of us. she seems quite happy with her new status as a "tattooed freak," so as long as she's happy…
i would have to agree with adam that almost famous is by far the best movie i've seen all year. if you haven't already, i recommend that you see it asap.
i'm slowly working out my last week at kinko's, getting ready for my new job at hsa. the pay and hours are tons better and i don't have to be repressed for being a heterosexual. don't get me wrong, i'm about the furthest from homo-phobic, but i am definitely in the minority, and the shit that goes down around that place is ridiculous. there will be a few people i'll miss seeing on a daily basis, but for the most part, i can't leave soon enough.
i think matt ( –>) is an evil alien bent on world domination. living with him, i think i have the keenest insight into this situation. i don't think crawling into a pod to sleep at night is normal human behavior. we are excluding michael jakson from any further pod-sleeping debates…
back to tony hawk 2. you may never see me again…
statements become cliche's because of how often they actually apply.
for all you funky e-card junkies out there, here's another to feed your habit. send your mom some Virtual Crack Rock(tm) to show her you love her.
my soul has been sucked out by COMICS! my god, what's happening to me!? I've been endeavoring to catalog my entire comics collection (a measly two & 1/2 long boxes) and haven't done ONE OTHER THING on my computer at home. hell, I barely check e-mail anymore. one thing's for sure, I'm getting to know my collection really well, and learning a bit about comics in the process–writers, pencillers, inkers, valuations, and the fact that story titles get recycled every year or so.
if I wasn't before, I suppose I'm now officially a comics geek.
not much else has been going on, though I did see yet another totally captivating chick at Deddens last Friday. Tall, thin, really really cute, and she could play pool like crazy. she held the table through at least 6 or 7 contenders (all guys) and totally impressed me and the puffin, with more than just looks. skill, looks, personality… it was quite a package. she'll forever be known as "the pool goddess."
did we talk to her?
what do you think?
of course not.
another day in the exciting world of matt.
well, didn't do any drunken scripting last night, but did a bit of drunken ogling of beautiful women. unfortunately, brian and I were both ogling the same girl, and brian being in the mood he was in I didn't really feel like making any moves (out of respect) (that, and I probably wouldn't have made any moves anyway, 'cause I never do, and really don't think I even know how anymore).
sometimes, and more often lately, I feel like a complete social retard, unable to communicate or connect with the people around me, often, even with my closest friends. even my sister and I, though I love her to death and was really happy to get to see her again, didn't really talk that much the few hours she was here. I find myself riding in cars with my best friends, hanging out with them, and–maybe–saying 15 words between locations… I don't know if its me, or what. it's not that I don't want to talk with them, quite the contrary, it's just that for some reason most of the time I don't feel I have anything worthwhile to say. I think that's why my best days tend to be days when my friends are all happy and talky, and I can just kind of sit and listen to them and not really feel pressured to contribute.
and it's not that I'm a total mute either, I can and do talk to them, but there're just those times, and to me, it just seems like they happen too often.
i've also come to the conclusion that if I don't have it already, i'm probably developing some mild form of seasonal affective disorder. too many things have happened to me during the winter months of my life that haven't been good, or that have started out good and ended up with me mentally and emotionally beaten again. too many memories.
mothers against drunken scripting
I'm excited I get to see my sister again. she's been gone away all summer, after visiting me for one day after her year-long trip to France. Now, she's coming up for a visit for one day and I'm taking her to the airport tomorrow so she can go to France again. I'm beginning to think the only way I'll ever get to hang out with my sister again is if I go visit her in France. not that that would be a bad thing, mind you.
I've also realized today that I'm going to have to do some more crazy javascript crap for these pages, since anybody trying to link to our archived pages is going to get bounced out to the main pages (only if you try to access them directly, otherwise, as long as you're in the frames, everything'll work fine.) got some thinking to do tonight.
i wonder if I can code javascript while drunk? we'll find out.
[(- tonight, matt's bipolar update will be executed by the illustrious puffin, read well kids, this shit should be good. m@ -)]
apparently matty has been too occupied with the goddamn spider-man game to deem a bipolar update necessary. don't fret boys and girls, your uncle puffin is here to provide a little insight to the coffeemonk world.
brian transmission3000 madness as of late. it would seem peoples is going nuts over the hey mercedes show. from what i can tell the best is yet to come (mofo better get the three second kiss show up and running soon). he's got the june of 44 show from last year waiting in the wings as well as blonde redhead (and if you haven't pick up their latest album, do so. it's one of my top three of the year).
i am currently recovering from a ultimate nullifier jam session from earlier this evening. full of blisters and fatigued arms. i'm the only one with enough rhythm to play drums, so i pretty much get drafted into that position. bri and matty wailed on axes. much fun was had. however, i'm a guitarist, and my strengths as a musician are more suited there. my other musical project has been developing nicely. it's just my friend neil and i, but we are very happy with the songs we have written.
our friend bob had a letter to the editor of the LEO published this past wednesday. it was good to get a glimpse of the old bob (long story made short: drugs should be an accessory, not a lifestyle). a nice spit in the face of candied know-nothing, dare i say, journalism. well, the ending of the letter was very current bob (all mystic and hippified).
for a good laugh, check out radiskull and devildoll at quite hilarious and oh so edgy. now, if we could only get some new sifl-n-olly stuff i'd be a very happy puffin.
more beer calls. until next time.
wow. the past few days have been insane. after destroying almost everything in site, we finally got the hey mercedes show posted to transmission3000. it's a recording of their first show, and it sounds frickin' amazing, so you should check it out.
i went to see hey mercedes play here in louisville last night, and they rocked the house. they brought a band that i had never heard of, insidious. they were fucking incredible. they'll probably kill me for this, but they were like a melodic neurosis. they had an insane amount of energy and feeling come through in their music. they don't have a website at this point (which i'm gonna try to fix…) so until them, check out their label's site. we hope to record them for transmission3000 at some point.
the next show up on transmission3000 should be the drifts get deeper set. we plan on getting it encoded today, but sometimes shit happens. i'm really eager for everyone to hear it, because it proves that they're a lot better than a lot of people give them credit for. look for it later tonight, or monday.
in other news, it appears that sean mccabe from ink & dagger has passed away. right now there's some debate going on about how it actually happened, so out of respect for the family and everyone involved, i won't be posting an concrete info until there is some.
so i skipped a couple of days…big deal.
nice to see that adam is back home and is being updated again.
i'm hard at work on laying out all the new band pages for transmission3000. the hey mercedes show will go up tonight if it frickin' kills me. after a few aborted attempts to get shit done last night, i'm ready for something to happen right.
one good thing about the chicago trip last weekend was that i was exposed to mt. saint helens. those guys are frickin' awesome. and damn nice people, too.
another site from chicago: stop smiling. i met one of the guys behind this thing when i was up in chicago this time last year. they're super-cool, and funnier than dog shit. really.
sorry this is so pointless and short, but i'm hungry, and the t3k is calling me…