2001.01.08 learning to fly:

if i've said it once, i've said it a thousand times…androids are frickin' dumb.

i'm sitting at work, taking my usual calls, sitting there in a caffeine induced stupor. i take a call and i'm greeted by a completely unintelligible metallic garble from the other end. i decipher enough to notice that i'm talking to someone with a very pronounced speech impediment. this lady also took it upon herself to compound the problem that life handed her by calling me from a severely distorted phone. i later discovered this woman to be a complete and total idiot. i had to spend twenty minutes trying to explain to her what a power cord is. you know…the little thingie that you plug into the wall to make it so you can turn things on? she spent an eternity unplugging everything in sight (including the hair dryer and george foreman grill, i'm sure) before i finally convinced her to trace the cord from the source (the cable modem) to it's endpoint (the wall). science, people…you gotta love it.

that's all you'll get outta me.

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