2002.08.22 pin hope on this promise:

i'd probably think it was mildly amusing that i get so completely disoriented when my alarm goes off at 5:45am. you know…if it wasn't 5:45 in the damn morning. this morning i woke up and was wondering what the fuck that noise was and tried to turn on my light, which promptly blew out. so here i am, flashblind and not knowing where the fuck i am and what the living hell is going on.

pretty much like the rest of my life, i guess.

i hate my new toothpaste, but i sure do love my naked juice.

to hell with it…time to drive to work.

- 06:02 am :: permalink :: 6 comments
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6 Responses to “pin hope on this promise:”

Nate said:

Did you ever think it might be the naked juice making your toothpaste suck? Just a thought… mmm… colgate and lemonade…

# August 22, 2002,

brian. said:

it's not the naked juice. i hate colgate, period. i'm a crest kid. i bought this shitty colgate because it was on sale.

# August 23, 2002,

Nate said:

It's about as much like the whole Pepsi vs. Coke or Coke vs. Diet Coke thing as you can get with dental hygiene products. I think it's all in what you were raised on. I love colgate, can't stand crest.

# August 23, 2002,

steve k said:

aquafresh all the way.

# August 23, 2002,

brian. said:

it's the taste you're used to. i'm not downing anyone who uses colgate…it's just not palatable to me.

# August 23, 2002,

Nate said:

Actually I've got to admit I wound up switching to aquafresh. I think it's gotta be the toothpaste closest to candy; and how could that be bad for you?

# August 23, 2002,

