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Archive for May, 2003

2003.05.30 way down inside:

i picked up the led zeppelin dvd, yesterday. i watched a bit of it when i got home from work and it's pretty fucking awesome. i highly recommend picking it up. after you have it, crank up the sound and play "moby dick" first disk. it's almost like bonham is there, pounding the drum set, right in your living room. i'll probably watch some of the second disk tonight.

i went to a funeral visitation, today. a good friend's dad passed away, last week, so it's been a rough time. hopefully he makes it through this ordeal okay.

- 07:35 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.26 go wait in the car:

tim left town this morning, and the girlfriend should be getting in any time now. doesn't really matter, though, since i'm at work until midnight.

i'm hungry…i kept forgetting to go get lunch, and now we're waiting on pizza.

tim and i had fun, this weekend. we went out to cahoots on saturday night (to show him the local flavor of beautiful women) and last night we went all around town, snapping shots with his digital camera. it's been decided…i need to get one of those things.

you can see the results here. this one is one of my favorites. as you can see from checking some of them out, a heavy fog rolled into downtown right as we were climbing a building to get some good shots. it pretty much ruined what we were going for, but at least we got some good shots.

someone also showed me fotolog today. apparently it was in the new york times or some business. just out of work boredom, i set up one of my own.

pizza's here. i'm gonna go eat.

- 07:49 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.24 seven questions with mike hagan:

grillburn…that sounds like a pretty bad condition. and don't you think "american typewriter" is a bit artsy/emo?
yeah…i forgot it was a braid song, but you know…fuck you. that's not emo. no emo kid would be confrontational enough to say fuck you to anyone…grillburn…that comes from me actually falling on the grill at a shitty job i had flipping burgers
yeah, this bitch was mopping under my feet and started hitting my shoes with a wet mop…i fell right on the grill with my arms
luckily i have no visible scars. or i'd be like kevin spacey in pay it forward.

what was the last record you bought? and did you really just get it for the justin timberlake guest track?
the last record i bought was from the itunes music store, actually…it was hum's "downward is heavenward"…don't knock jt, bitch! he's my dawg
he did play bass for the flaming lips once….

do you still blame me for that one time?
yeah…you shouldn't have done that…i mean, did you even think about the consequences to your actions? did it cross your mind once that it could affect me in any way? god……sometimes i don't think you listen to me…
i don't. but that's the way shit goes, really.
you're not getting any tonight, buster
don't i know it.

are you pissed that sebastian has done two of these things and it's taken you this long to get your first?
no…i'm not pissed at all…i undersatnd that you could be a little overwhelmed at the idea of interviewing someone as cool and hip and trendy (not to mention smart, funny, etc) as me.
so you put it off, big deal
keep telling yourself that one.
i'm oblivious to my own ego.

when was the last time you saw a flesh and blood monkey in person? none of that audioanimatronic shit, either.
busch gardens, 1999…i think
i imagine a wistful sigh.

what do you remember most about the last time you got piss drunk and blacked out?
i remember i woke up with all my friends' signatures on my ass in sharpie…and i remember their sigs not coming off for a week and a half.
your ass? brilliant!
yeah…it was my 21st birthday. those fuckers. they wrote "exit only" on it, also.
well…at least there's that.

if you were a ninja, what would be the first three things you did?
i think i would like to be surrounded by a bunch of tough guys that look like "thugs" from 80's action flicks. i would be in the sand, and they would surround me in a complete circle…then i would throw a smoke bomb and when it cleared, i would be gone…they would all walk away dumbfounded…then, when the coast was clear, you'd see me digging my way out of the sand…like in american ninja 3.
that's only one thing. you got two more ninja activities to bust out.
then i would like to scale a building with suction cups, and sneak into a hotel room, kill a guy with a pick made of ice while he's in the shower, and then the murder weapon would just melt away.
and for my last one…i would like to have a gigantic rat for a master
bitchin'. i read that ice shiv shit in a prison story once.
i saw that in a movie called "deadly life of a ninja."
fuckin' badass.

[mike used to post over at (now defunct) and now tells it like it is over at american typewriter. he also has an unnatural prediliction for that whole .org thing.]

- 01:28 am - PL :: 8 Comments
categories ::  7 Questions


2003.05.23 i touch myself at thoughts of flames:

long holiday weekend and i have to work, as usual. the kicker is…i don't get paid extra for the holiday. currently i'm still temping here, and will be until june 9th when things switch over and i go through orientation. oh well. shit happens. i was scheduled to work monday, anyway.

looks like my friend tim is dropping into town tomorrow. i get to show him the lovely louisville that i call home. rest assured that more than one trip to cahoots is in the cards. he was worried about what to do while i'm at work, but i'm sure he'll find more than enough in the neighborhood, all within walking distance. it should be nice and sunny, so he should have a grand ol' time checkin' out the area.

and he'll only be here until monday, which is conveniently when the girlfriend gets back into town for a few days. i've been missing her like crazy, so it's really great that we're getting to work out seeing each other earlier than we thought we would. it seems stupid that she's only two hours away, yet it's so hard for us to arrange time to see each other. i guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles, though. either way, she'll be here until i take her home wednesday night, so i'm pretty damn happy.

yesterday marked the three year anniversary of my first post to bipolar. 662 posts, 677 comments, 1096 days and here we are. pretty much where we started. an old blog buddy, mike grillburn, has recently resurfaced over at we've been chatting over aim, recently, and he mentioned that it was neat that we were still around. welcome back, mike. hopefully matt and i can continue to be semi-entertaining.

plus: 7 questions archive!

anyhowways, here's to at least three more years. or the next time matt posts. whichever comes first.

- 10:15 pm - PL :: 1 Comment
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.18 if i forget it you'll remind me again:

i had a little time to burn before coming to work today, so i decided to stop in the comic shop. i went to the one closer to my house, figuring i'd just go look around, waste a little time. i was just standing there, combing through the racks, when a face from the past walks up. this guy and i used to be best pals for a long ass time, which now seems a long ass time ago. we were inseparable. i'm pretty sure we hung out almost every day. at some point, i think we had a falling out or something, because we just stopped hanging out. i don't really recall what brought about the change in the relationship, so it must not have been too important. it was nice to see him, even if there was some sort of distance involved in the conversation.

either way, it got me to thinking how if you took my life and looked at a cross-section of it, you'd see lots of layers of different intense friendships that waned for one reason or another. kinda like rings on a tree or strata in rock. most people i know seem to have a best friend that they've carried through most of their lives. all of my friendships seem to have a finite lifespan.

but then i have to take into account seth, who i've known for over 10 years, at this point. he and i used to hang out a ton when we were in high school. we don't hang out nearly as often, anymore, but when we do everything is the way it's always been. the same goes for my cousins steve and chris, i guess.

i'm sure everyone goes through these friendship "phases," but it seems like i've done it an abnormal amount of times.

maybe i should just shut the hell up and get to work on some new "seven questions"…

- 03:02 pm - PL ::
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.17 every stupid thing i've said i'm livin' down:

saturday at work. airplane! on the tv. for some reason i'm thinking i'll eat at the mexican place again for lunch today. the chicken taco was pretty tasty, last time. i'm thinking i should get two this time around.

the girlfriend has been gone for a couple of nights now. i'm still getting adjusted to how big the bed seems when i'm in it alone. jesus…i'm starting to sound like a police song.

brooksie and i are planning to go see the new matrix movie, tonight. i hope he remembers to order tickets. shit…i hope he's able to get tickets at all. it seems to be breaking box office records like crazy. i was hoping x2 would hold on and be the summer champ, but it looks like reloaded will take home more in it's opening weekend than x2 has in it's whole run, so far. yikes.

other than that? i found out why my boss got fired. theft and the selling of the stolen items on ebay. not slick.

i just let out a massive yawn. maybe i need to figure out how to take a nap without anyone around here noticing…

- 05:03 pm - PL :: 2 Comments
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.15 the kids are losing their minds:

so i'm sitting in the breakrom, here at work. i'm just happily enjoying my lunch. some guy walks up to the tv nearest me and asks someone else if he can change the channel. the news was on, which is fine by me, but if he could find something better, more power to him. he clicked automatically to a rerun of home improvement. we work for the cable company. we have every channel there fucking is, and this guy turns on home fucking improvement and sits down.

i was amazed. simply amazed.

the worst part was when a commercial for cellphones came on and they were using the ramones' "blitzkrieg bop" as the music. two ramones die and all of a sudden they're whoring their music out for…cellphones?

i can't wait to go home.

- 06:40 pm - PL :: 6 Comments
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.14 shine your light down:

have you ever woken up and just been filled with this enormous sense of dread? i've been fighting this one for the past couple of days. it seems like everything in my life is getting all stirred up at once, and so even the bad things feel like giant mountains of bullshit.

the girlfriend has left to return home. to be honest, she lived here all year. she's going to new york for school in the fall, so she's moving back home with the 'rents until then. the problem: the 'rents live 2 hours away.

i got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago. work has decided that this is a massive felony, so they won't hire me on full-time until i take care of it. a speeding ticket. seriously. they sent me this email:

[the company] cannot hire you on full time until you pay the pending speeding ticket off. Once this is taken care of and you have a receipt from payment let me know.

a speeding ticket. i would like to point out that my job requires me to sit at a desk in front of a computer. i drive to work and home from work. i never have to drive for work. ever.

and then the speeding ticket siuation gets weird. i was covered under my grandmother's insurance policy. i didn't have the most up to date coverage card in my car. the cop puts no insurance down on the ticket. says all i have to do is get the insurance company to write a letter saying i was covered on that date. no problem.

except the insurance company doesn't want to write the letter.

so now i have to go in there, switch the policy over to my own name, and hope to god they'll cut me a letter saying the car was covered on the date in question. all that and i still have to pay a shitload of money and go to traffic school.

do i drive any slower? nope.

oh yeah…they fired the big boss, here at work. he was sitting here, joking around with me and a few other people, and twenty minutes later…he's gone. they're sending out emails saying that all the passwords are changed, effective immediately, and that we should not discuss this matter with anyone (so, of course, i post it to my blog). everyone here was a little creeped out, to say the least.

to close out my troubles, the temp agency i work through called me and said they don't have my time sheet for last week. i know for a fact that i filled it out, but i didn't get their message until i got home at about 11:30pm, last night. so i cal them back, leave a voicemail. i called them again earlier today, before i came to work. they didn't get my message. the girl there pulls out the time sheet and says "well what do you know? you're right there! i must have missed it." then she tells me that she'll call payroll and make sure they didn't. this is the third time they've screwed up my paycheck. i'm looking forward to working for [the company]. maybe they won't screw it up as often…

so here's to the rest of the week going a hell of a lot smoother.

- 05:09 pm - PL :: 3 Comments
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.12 feed your head:

i'm testing out this whole movable type thing to see if it's working. i'm still not really lucid enough to figure out how to make it work if it's not, so…yeah. testing.

to be honest, i just wanted to post a link to this story from

At first, said Phillips, "the lead male got a stone and started bashing the hell out of it.

"Another thing they were interested in was in defecating and urinating all over the keyboard," added Phillips, who runs the university's Institute of Digital Arts and Technologies.

yeah…everyone loves monkeys.

i woke up this morning with my head in a trashcan. i don't know how i got there. i don't really recall much of anything after the power came back on at the bar, to be honest. i'll try to elaborate at a later time.

- 05:56 pm - PL :: 2 Comments
categories ::  Nothing


2003.05.09 they're all the same:

nothing much to mention, I just wanted to direct everyone to a little article written by ted rall. ted's an amazing politcal and social commentator, and a hell of a cartoonist to boot. his article made me laugh my ass off and still agree with everything he said.

and yes…i just posted this here so javan can get his panties in a bunch and try to discredit anyone involved.

birthday countdown: 2 days to shop!

(no…i still don't know what shame is.)

- 02:58 am - PL :: 11 Comments
categories ::  Old Posts


